Car Accident Lawyer | Learning More is Worth Your Time

Car Accident Lawyer | It’s hard to put a number on how many car accidents take place in the state of South Carolina where the injured party could have filed a claim against the other driver, but failed to do so. It certainly happens more than it should, however, and often it is because the injured driver simply doesn’t contact a car accident attorney for assistance. If you just pick up the phone and call our office at Payne Law Firm, we will be happy to have a discussion with you and determine if any next steps are warranted.

Nothing to Lose

Here’s the thing you need to keep in mind – calling a car accident attorney to chat about your case is not the same thing as filing a claim or lawsuit. At this point, all you are doing is gathering information to help you make the best possible decision. In the end, with consultation from an attorney, you may decide that it’s best to just drop it and not proceed with any further action. And that’s okay. You’ll only have invested a small amount of time in the process, and you can rest easy knowing you looked into it and made a good choice based on the information at hand.

A Friendly Team

When you choose to call Payne Law Firm to speak with a car accident attorney about your possible case, you will find that our team is friendly, non-judgmental, and willing to help. We understand that you aren’t an expert in this area, and you don’t necessarily know whether or not you have a viable claim to damages as a result of the accident. Don’t worry about what you don’t know – just give us a call and we can talk it over.

Information is power. You don’t need to be sure that you have a viable claim to pick up the phone and discuss the situation with Payne Law Firm. It won’t take long to get more information, and you can only make a smart decision once you have all the facts. Contact us today!