Car Accident Lawyer | Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer After Every Accident?

Car Accident Lawyer | Unfortunately, car accidents are quite common. Many accidents are relatively minor in nature, while some are quite serious and lead to major injuries or even fatalities. Whether or not you should choose to work with a car accident lawyer after you are involved in an incident on the roads will depend on a number of factors.

Keeping Small Accidents Simple

For minor fender benders, it’s unlikely that you will need to work with a car accident lawyer. For instance, imagine that you are involved in a basic rear-end accident, where the vehicle behind you didn’t quite stop in time at a light. You weren’t injured, and your car only needs to have its rear bumper replaced to be up and running once again. If the other driver had insurance and the claim was processed without trouble, you should be able to take care of everything easily and move on with your life.

Big Accidents Are a Different Story

The story changes dramatically when you are involved in a major accident where you or your passengers are badly injured, your vehicle may be totaled, and more. In such a case, you may want to consider filing a claim against the other driver, depending on the circumstances that led up to the crash. Your life may have been negatively impacted in a variety of ways by this incident, and you shouldn’t have to bear the financial burden of those impacts if someone else was responsible for the accident. By contacting an attorney who works with these kinds of cases, you can discuss your situation and determine how best to proceed.

If you would like to retain the services of a car accident lawyer in South Carolina, please contact Payne Law Firm right away for assistance. We will be happy to serve you!