The Most Common Injuries Sustain by a Construction Worker

Any work environment can have dangers, but construction workers are at a higher risk of injury simply because of the type of work they perform on a daily basis. While the environment may be a little more dangerous, employers should ensure that safety measures are taken to help avoid as many injuries as possible. When this doesn’t happen, then a personal injury case may be the solution to redeem some of the costs associated with it.

Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Burns
  • Electrocution
  • Eye injuries
  • Knee and ankle
  • Back and neck

There are a variety of reasons that such injuries may occur including faulty equipment, weather conditions, improper safety gear, and human error. While not all situations warrant a personal injury claim, it’s important to go over the details of your case with a personal injury lawyer Charleston to make sure.

Costs Incurred from Injury

Keep in mind; there are a variety of costs associated with injuries. Not only will you have time off of work, but there will likely be medical costs and even long-lasting impacts that could lead to even more expenses throughout your life (such as physical therapy). It’s important that people do not ignore their injuries and make sure that they seek medical care right away.

Not only may there be a personal injury case, but also a worker’s compensation case that will need to be filed right away.

Schedule a Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer Charleston

Hurt on the job? Don’t suffer in silence. Instead, consult with a personal injury lawyer Charleston to find out what your options are. These cases can be complex, and it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Don’t do it alone. Contact our offices today to get the ball rolling on your case!