What You Should Do After a Dog Bite

When we envision dogs, images of “Man’s Best Friend” are easy to come by. Whether it’s the silly YouTube videos of dogs doing tricks, or the leading role in a children’s movie, dogs are typically deserving of their title. However, there are occasions when these animals can show their primal side. If you have been the victim of a dog bite, there are a few steps that you should follow to receive the best possible outcome for yourself and your community.

Treat Yourself

In the same manner that you need to put your own oxygen mask on in the airplane first, you need to make sure that your injuries are immediately identified and cared for. A visit to your local doctor or emergency room is to ensure that any lacerations, bruising, or broken bones can be examined

Additionally, dog bites often result in puncture wounds from their canine teeth that require special attention and cleaning. If your injuries don’t pose an immediate threat to life and limb, you may also want to capture photos or video of the injuries that you received before and after they have been treated.

Get the Owner’s Information

Just like a vehicle accident, you should make sure to get the owner’s identifying information. At a minimum, you need a name, address, and phone number. If it’s possible, you should also request insurance information and vaccination records. This will be invaluable to your personal injury attorney Charleston.

Identify Witnesses

While the owner may initially appear to be cooperative and agree to pay for the damages, it’s wise to cover your bases. Sometimes just the shock of the actual hospital bill will create some consternation to the responsible party. If you identify witnesses early and make sure that they document what they saw happen, it increases the likelihood that your claims will be covered by the dog’s owner.

Contact Animal Control

Your local animal control office is equipped to take reports and investigate the situation surrounding a dog bite. They also house the history for all the animals in their jurisdiction. If the dog that attacked you is a multiple offender, that should be weighed to decide the outcome.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Charleston

If you have been the victim of a dog bite, please contact our offices at Peter David Brown, personal injury attorney Charleston. With over 30 years of experience and millions of dollars recouped for our clients, we are confident that we can help you receive the compensation that you deserve. Call today to schedule your consultation.