What to Do If You Are Involved in an Uber Vehicle Accident

Uber and other commercial driving services create additional complications to cases for personal injury lawyer Charleston. There are a variety of issues that even insurance companies are acknowledging creating more complexity to the cases. Here are the things you should do if you are involved in this type of accident.

Don’t Delay Treatment

Medical treatment is always necessary in an automobile accident, but it’s especially critical in these cases. You want to be sure that all of your injuries are well-documented as soon as possible so this portion of the case is straightforward.

Be Prepared for Kinks with Insurance Companies

Personal injury lawyer Charleston knows that insurance companies are still getting up to speed on offering appropriate insurance coverage for these types of drivers. However, this does not mean that you don’t have a recourse just because insurance may have a few kinks in it. You will just need to rely on the expertise of a skilled attorney to wade through those waters on your behalf.

Don’t Settle

You may hear a lot of things from the driver and even the insurance company about the limitations of your case. Don’t take this at face value! You should be compensated for your injuries, and you should depend on the knowledge of your attorney to make sure it happens for you. While insurance is still getting up to speed, you should not have to suffer.

Reach Out to a Personal Injury Lawyer Charleston Today

Peter David Brown understands the issues that people face with their personal injury cases. He is there to work for you to make sure that your interests are protected. Reach out to us today to schedule your consultation so his thirty years of experience can work for you.