The Most Overlooked Injuries in a Car Accident

After an accident, it is important to receive prompt medical care. When you are searching for a personal injury lawyer Charleston, it is essential that you have as much documentation on your side. Many injuries aren’t visible or noticed for hours or even days after your accident. Therefore, it is important to get a proper medical exam to help identify any issues early. Untreated injuries can cause additional damage or pain that can be helped or eliminated from prompt medical care.

Unfortunately, too many people feel that they are aren’t injured when they leave the scene of an accident. When the adrenaline has worn off, victims can often feel that they have no recourse for their injury. We have compiled some of the most overlooked injuries due to car accidents.


Whiplash occurs when the head and neck is suddenly jarred, which often happen in a car accident. While many people may experience pain right away, sometime, the pain doesn’t settle in until hours or days after the accident.


Concussions can easily be missed simply because they don’t always have symptoms right away. Headaches and blurred vision can come on later or not at all. A medical professional will be able to readily identify if you have a concussion.

Back Injuries

If you are rear-ended, it is common to experience back injuries. However, due to the excitement and shock following a crash, you may not notice this injury right away.

Seek Medical Care

Because so many injuries can have delayed symptoms, it’s incredibly important to seek medical care right away. A personal injury lawyer Charleston will tell you that proper documentation of your injuries will go a long way in helping your case.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Charleston Today

Have you been involved in a car accident? Please contact us at the law offices of Peter David Brown. Allow our years of experience to guide you through the complicated waters of personal injury cases.