Victim of a Hit and Run? Do these 3 Things ASAP

Being a victim of a hit and run car accident can be absolutely devastating. A personal injury attorney will tell you that you should always come talk to them after a car accident, but what if you don’t even know the name of the other driver? Don’t worry, there are things you can do to get the outcome you deserve.

Contact the Police

One piece of advice that any personal injury attorney will stand behind is the fact that you should contact the police immediately after an accident. Not only will the police file a report that outlines the incident, but they have more resources to help find the person who hit your car.

Seek Medical Help

As always, you should certainly have your health evaluated following a car accident. Remember, not all injuries show symptoms right away so you should be sure to get in to see someone who can give you a clear bill of health. If you do have injuries, it’s important to have those well-documented. You never know when the identity of the other driver will be discovered and having this information already taken care of will ensure that your case carries on.

Contact Your Insurance

Don’t underestimate the value of your own insurance. Most policies include protection from uninsured drivers. It may not be much money depending on your insurance, but anything will help offset those costs. Contact your insurance right away and see what options are available there.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

Are you a victim of a hit and run accident? We can help! Don’t assume that you can’t have any assistance simply because you don’t know the identity of the other driver. Please contact the offices of Mingledorff and Patterson to schedule your no-obligation consultation.